Three Animation Techniques Used In Web design

Web design is in a constant state of evolution. During the nascent years of the internet, most websites comprised of single page layouts without any discernible features. Today, young aspirants learn cutting-edge tools for building sites while pursuing an animation course. In addition to raising the aesthetic quotient of the portal, these techniques also make the sites more user-friendly.

The ulterior motive behind the creation of any site is to drive traffic. The more appealing your web portal is, greater will be the number of your audience. Efficient use of innovative techniques can lead to stellar layouts that blow your viewers’ minds and convert them into paying customers.


One of the most popular techniques regularly employed in Web design is navigation. This enables visitors to interact with the site in a more smooth fashion.

For instance, web pages often comprise of icons that lead to other web pages. This is an efficient technique when trying to save screen space. The purpose behind using this tool to accentuate your website is to drive your visitors’ focus towards that aspect of your offering that creates utility and possesses a value proposition. Additionally, its other advantages include –

  • A professional look and feel
  • Structure the site in an organized and disciplined fashion
  • Make the portal more user-friendly
  • Connect the customers’ pain points with its solutions
  • Reduce the overall loading time of the pages

When the afore-mentioned attributes come together, it delivers a pleasant experience to your visitors. This, in turn, induces them to spend more time with your products and services, thereby increasing their propensity to become customers.

Desktop Hover Animation

Being interactive is one of the primordial goals of any good website. Providing constructive feedback to its viewers is an integral aspect of this dialogue.

The Hover technique can be created with the help of JavaScript. They provide pertinent feedback based on the actions performed by the visitors. They also improve navigation thereby affecting UE in a positive fashion.

One significant drawback of this method is that they do not function on hand-held devices. Fortunately, identical results can be achieved on mobile devices using a technique called elevation. Users can access details of their interaction in real time. This vastly improves their user-experience.


A page that is slow to load can be an excruciating experience. Unfortunately, even when your site loads promptly, you may be losing traffic owing to the split-second attention span of most of its visitors. In addition to optimizing the site so that the loading time is as fast as possible, prudent designers utilize other tools to further reduce the lead time.

Reducing lead time is tricky business. On one hand, websites that load faster rank higher in organic search queries. On the other hand, in an effort to increase the speed, designers often sacrifice salient attributes or features of the portal that gravely compromise its unique appeal.

Often, young professionals circumvent the aforementioned challenges with the help of Progression – a trick they learn while taking an animation course. In addition to being effective, this method is also easy.

It involves the process that is designed to hold the visitor’s attention or gaze while the page loads. This creates the illusion that the loading time is, in fact, shorter than it actually is.

When deploying Progression, Web design professionals are typically mindful of the following factors –

  • Simplicity – The key is to entice the traffic easily. If the gimmick is complex, the audience may fail to comprehend the same and revert their focus back to the loading time.
  • Engagement – if your apparatus fails to engage the audience, you will have failed in your endeavor.

With the help of this tool, you can portray progress as your visitors proceed through your site. The same may be intimated to them in real-time at regular intervals. While the information is loading, loading bars may display the stage of progress. Alternatively, one may also use percentages to convey the same.

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