What Jobs Can You Get With a Tourism Management Degree?

About Tourism Management

Travel and Tourism Management is the perfect degree for people who love to travel places and explore new experiences. It is the most millennial course one could even think of. Travel and tourism management is an integral part of the modern day trade, economy and hospitality. It is a very important sector which helps sustain globalization across the world.

Travel and tourism management


Students who love to make a good living by travelling across different places should definitely consider this degree as a career option.

It is most definitely a profitable career option with a lot of scope. The jobs which one can get with this degree are also incredibly humongous. You shall never run out of options.

In his article, we would be discussing a couple of job portfolios from which students choose after studying from tourism management colleges in Kolkata.

Travelling Consultant

Being a consultant you would be able to work in various corporate firm and agencies which help people plan their travels. Consultants are known for being experts of their field. You would help clients select their location, destination as per their preferences.

tourism course in kolkata


Corporate travel consultants also look after he finances and other charges which are associated with a certain travel. A lot of times companies hire ravel consultants to execute their business trips too.


A very common career path which people go for ultimately is staring their own agency or company. Travel agencies are a very profitable business. Completing a course in tourism would very much equip you with all the skills necessary to master this talent. You shall be able to become an entrepreneur and own your own business at some point of time.

Travel and tourism management in kolkata


Some people prefer to work in a company and gain a little experience prior to starting their own company. Others start their own company right after finishing their degree.

Cabin Crew Manager

Flights and aviation companies are one of the biggest recruiters of cabin crew managers. These professionals have to make sure that everything is alright with the staff, passengers, food, lodging and other miscellaneous things.


travel and tourism course in kolkata

These tourism professionals get to travel across the nation and world as a part of their job. If you are someone who is fond of travelling then this job portfolio would be perfect for that.

Tourism agency/company

A tourism agency is the perfect place for any graduate to work in. Here you can work as a manager where all the responsibility of managing and delegating would fall upon your shoulders. It is a job which has immense scope of success.



The salary is also very high in these top agencies.

Now, it is your time to pick and choose as to where you would like o work after completing your course.

Good Luck!

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