What Are The Career Options after BBA in India?

BBA is one of those courses which can be called one plate fits all. This really is the most diverse and inclusive course to exist in the professional world. The reason so many students in India are leaned towards pursuing BBA is because of its practical significance. This course stands to be one of the most pragmatic training courses out there.

It has career options that are highly extensive and diverse. The opportunities provided by this course cannot be overlooked. But because it is such a widely accepted training program, one can wonder what are the career options that are available to students after finishing their training.


When we talk about BBA’s career scope the first pointer has to be about management positions. These are among the most highly paid positions in our country.

Upon finishing their BBA degree, students can directly start working at high posts as managers or managing professionals. These positions are very well paid and there is great scope for improvement and promotion here. Managerial positions are susceptible to the maximum amount of growth and success.

If you are someone who is eyeing a management position in their career then BBA is the most appropriate course for you.


A lot of people think of BBA as their stepping stone for MBA. MBA is one of the highest paying degrees in India. Even in adverse economic crises, MBA professionals get paid the highest amount of money.

But if you pursue BBA as the graduation degree then you naturally have an upper hand than the other students who are also doing MBA.

Human Resources

It will be shame to forget HR while discussing BBA career options. In fact a large number of recruitment options available to students in BBA colleges after finishing their degree are HR positions.

Human resources are an integral part of the professional world. It is one of those fields without whom the whole professional sector falls to pieces.  BBA graduates are recruited as HR executives all the times. In fact having a BBA degree is considered a pre requisite in most of the companies where people want to be HR employees.

Finance and Economics

No company can function without any good management in finance and economics. These are the pillars which hold the spine of any company. Therefore, it is important that the manpower a company recruits has quality and efficient employees.

The financial and economic structure needs to be stable at all costs. BBA graduates are employed in these companies to handle the finances and economic transactions. IT and service industries are in dire requirement of good professional staff who can take care of these tasks.

To find out about the best BBA course in Kolkata, reach out to us. We will be more than happy to help you with any doubts and queries. We can also set up a free counseling session with one of our experts. They can help you clear all your doubts.

Good luck!

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