10 Points of Importance of Mass Communication
What is Mass Communication?
Mass communication is the communication of information from a person, a small group of people, or an organization to a large group of heterogeneous and anonymous people through the use of media developed for that purpose.
Common communication channels in mass communication include electronic media (television and radio), social media and print media.
Basically, we have been communicating through various forms, in the early stages since the technology was not on board. To brief you about communication, there are many types of communication.
We communicate with each other, that’s called interpersonal communication. We communicate with ourselves, that’s called intrapersonal communication.
When we communicate with more than 2-3 people, it is Group Communication. When political leaders speak before the crowd, that’s an example of public communication.
Then comes the mass communication, it is obviously communication with the public, the mass. But the use of media like television or Radio make it mass communication. For ex: Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressing the public can be called as public communication, but when that is streamed over TV or radio, that’s a mass communication.
Why Mass Communication is important?
1) It serve public messages quickly to a large number of people who are far away from the source of information.
2) The scope of mass communication is very extensive and it deals with a variety of objectives.
3) The main purpose of using this communication is that mass communication is very substantial and serves messages for the mass/public swiftly to a large number of people.
4) It helps the mass to build an opinion about the happenings around them.
5) It caters to persuade people in their beliefs, opinions, attitudes and thinking on several issues like voting, religious convictions, culture etc.
6) It educates us.
7) It entertains us and provide pleasure by the various media broadcasts.
8) It gives prior information about weather and calamities and provides information to cope up with disaster.
9)It brings before us the political ideologies.
10) It helps us to promote ourselves.
The Courses in Mass Communication have achieved admiration in the wake of an increase in media channels. In recent years we have witnessed unprecedented growth in the world of communication. Gone are the days when a brief and sweet reporting could seek the information across. Not only the world of communication has changed but also the target audience did. Until television arrived, media meant newspapers and magazines and journalism was thought to be a public service calling.
With changing mores of economy, media is now diversified in form and ownership. The rise of new media has created a whole range of new possibilities, and pro les such as Disc Jockeys or Radio Jockeys are not so unusual. It is not only limited to journalism but it also diversifies its branches to various other fields of media. A degree in mass communication can expose you to various opportunities in the field of Journalism, Public relations and advertising, as a career. The career prospects after a course in Mass Communication are bright and many students opt for different subject combinations in the field of study. But remember a solid grip over the language is crucial for success.